Yeasayer have just announced the release of a 'pay-what-you-like' live album, Live At Ancienne Belgique; I see this as good news for a couple of reasons. First off, it's basically a (potentially) free version of an album I've never quite been enthusiastic enough to buy. Second, it's really, really good. I'd definitely pay money for it. I mean, I didn't, but you know what I mean.
On listening to Yeasayer, you realise that Klaxons space-bullshit meets old school MGMT with frat-bro lyrics makes ridiculously good sense. The casually intelligent, mammoth songs like 'O.N.E' or 'Ambling Alp' have that Great American Storyteller feel, but John Cheever never had a UPI-555 sampler.
Yeasayer 1, American Literature 0.
Download these thirteen brilliant tracks here.
..but John Cheever never had a UPI-555 sampler....! Ah yes, and if only Proust had possessed Photoshop.