MFD Music
Saturday, 30 July 2011
FREE STUFF- Please Accept My Apologies
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
OFWGKTA @ Electric Ballroom

By the time punters reach the small white sign saying 'FOR GIG TONIGHT QUEUE HERE' outside Camden's Electric Ballroom, they start to suspect just how eagerly anticipated Odd Future's first major London gig is. By the time they reach the back of the queue (200 strong half an hour before doors open), it has become apparent.
Due to the fact that OFWGKTA's success has come largely due to endorsement from the white, middle-class media, the composition of tonight's crowd is hardly a surprise. What is surprising is the ferocity of Odd Future's vanilla support. Though there are occasional wince-inducing shouts of 'fuck school' from pubescent teens with cracking voices, the vast majority of fans, black and white, go absolutely batshit mental for the LA group's two hour set.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
FREE STUFF! - Summer Edition
As the holiday (and, more importantly, festival) season approaches, every playlist must make the shift towards blissed-out beats and beach/barbecue/park friendly tunes. Stereogum, being devilishly clever and equally generous have released a 25-track, two volume mixtape full of precisely the kind of music the season demands.
This collection (which can be found here) represents all the most prominent movements in alternative music this year: Washed Out and Toro Y Moi give a strong showing for the mega-zeitgeisty chillwave movement, while Yuck and J Mascis (of Dinosaur Jr) provide some good ol' fuzzy nostalgia. Overall, it's an impressive mix, with some real standout tracks, notably:
1) Still Sound - Toro Y Moi
2) Amor Fati - Washed Out
3) Queen of Hearts- Fucked Up
Perhaps the most interesting song on here, however is Frank Ocean's 'Songs For Women'. To anyone who has listened to OFWGKTA (for those under a rock, see: Odd Future), the presence of one of the wolf gang on a Summer Playlist is probably a bit of a curveball. Here, Frank Ocean's chart-smooth voice is in Drake or even Bruno Mars territory; surprising, really, seeing as the ubiquitous ringleader Tyler, The Creator, offered to 'stab Bruno Mars in his goddam oesophagus' earlier this year. It's early days yet, but the initiation of Frank into Odd Future as the group's sole singer would seem to represent an ever-so-slight softening, and a move into more commercial avenues.
I'm sure my opinion will change when an amp-dive from Tyler himself breaks my leg later today; either way, expect a LIVE REPORT on OFWGKTA tomorrow.
Friday, 1 July 2011
O. Chapman @229

Say "teenage singer-songwriter" to most people, and you will elicit an unenthusiastic response; eyes will be rolled, and expectations will be low. These people, however, will probably not have seen O.Chapman play live.
The 18 year old has been releasing music unofficially for almost two years, and it shows. His beautiful, melodic songs are hardly unimpressive on record, but become far more affecting live. The songs on display tonight are confidently delivered, even if the man himself earnestly professes to being incredibly nervous. Opener "Wake Up", like many of O.Chapman's songs, floats easily into a sublime instrumental breakdown, just as absorbing as his young-Antony Hegarty-on-Marlboro croon. The ease with which such intricate melodies and harmonies are interwoven furthers the notion that the 60-strong audience tonight are in the presence of considerable talent. Chapman's nonchalant, familiar banter- (sample: "I wrote this song when I thought I was in love...WRONG, just horny...") also entertains the massed ranks within 229, not just the mini-fanclub at the stage's front.
Though there is not a single point of the set that could be described as a lull, closer and crowd favourite "Morning Song" is certainly a high. With the equally charming Tash Heliotis joining him on vocals, Chapman glides through his signature tune, whose sing-song rhythm recalls Bert Jansch on Valium- less hyperactively showy, and much more dreamily graceful.
O.Chapman's prolific output reveals an artist with undeniable talent, whilst live, he could- and indeed does- captivate an audience while inspecting a venue's structurally suspect ceiling. The North-Londoner is no doubt one to keep a very keen eye on.
Friday, 4 March 2011
New Arctics Monkey Single Released
Arctic Monkeys have joined Radiohead in shock-releasing new material. New single 'Brick by Brick', recorded in LA by James Ford seems to lift the less difficult moment's off 2009's 'Humbug" and paste them smoothly onto the angry guitars of the Sheffield quartet's first two albums.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Radiohead's New Single: Reaction to 'Lotus Flower'
Monday, 14 February 2011
Radiohead and Reasons to be Cheerful
Classic Radiohead; surprise the music world by announcing a new album at one week's notice and in a unique format. These guys could not be more cutting-edge if this album was built entirely from samples of Andy Gray laced with riotous Egyptian rhythms. As usual with Radiohead, we know very, very little of what to expect from 'The King of Limbs', announced this morning and due out this Saturday, the 19th February.
9.5-9.9: Great enough to play on your college radio set
9.0-9.4: Try playing this one on your guitar all night in your dorm room
8.5-8.9: The CD is pretty good but runs the risk of becoming mainstream
8.0-8.4: You should buy any green washed out retro t-shirts by this band
7.5-7.9: Good enough for maybe a sticker on your guitar case
7.0-7.4: Decent enough to talk about in the coffee shop
6.0-6.9: Needs more white guitarists with black-rimmed glasses
5.0-5.9: Might be good for a fratboy band, those neanderthals
4.0-4.9: Reviewer couldn't find any Cloves before writing and was angry
3.0-3.9: Too many unintelligent people might understand it
2.0-2.9: Curls up the ends of our bowl haircuts with shame
1.0-1.9: Did not cause a single tear to flow from our weepy eyes
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Gig Report- Second Impression @ The Bull & Gate

Sunday, 6 February 2011
New Strokes Material Comes to Light!
Today saw the unveiling on of the first taste of the Strokes' New Album, 'Angles' due for a March 21 release. With The Strokes' relatively modest-cum-totally-fanatical fanbase frantic for a first hint at new material in over five years (during which the New Yorkers have played not one new song), this taster has to be big. It has to have all the dirty, slick-garage stylings of Is This It, along with that album's effortlessly emotive, ruminative, urban choruses.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Freebies. FREEBIES!
Loyal following, today I bring you an absolute treasure trove of high-quality independent music.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Beyoncé and Sleigh Bells to Team Up
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
White Lies- Ritual- Album Review
The walking-pace drumbeat of ‘Is Love’, the opening track of White Lies’ second effort ‘Ritual’, sets the tone for what is, at least at first, a mind-numbingly pedestrian album. Two tracks in and the jaw-dropping irony of lines like “I gotta make this happen/I got a sense of urgency” suggests a new tack: White Lies have forgone depressive lyrics in favour of simply imposing depression on their listeners. Songs like ‘Peace & Quiet’ or lead single ‘Bigger Than Us’ will undoubtedly sound impressive emanating grandly from tinny stadium PA systems, but on record they sound insipid. That said, the album’s second half is a distinct improvement; ‘Come Down’ would sit well on the nightbus playlist of any au fait hipster, whereas ‘The Power & The Glory’ and ‘Bad Love’ share a similar introverted pensiveness. It’s a shame that White Lies don’t allow their more reflective side to show more often; it’s infinitely more attractive than their anaemic (stadium) filler.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Arctic Monkeys' New Album and Why You Should Care
Monday, 10 January 2011
Bassless Assumption

James Blake - Limit To Your Love from James Blake on Vimeo.
Something about the perfect depth of his voice, allied with the faintest hint of a London tang and Regina Spektor quivers just draws me in. The 'drop' from 2.30 to 2.45 is just as gut-wrenchingly bittersweet.
Where The Vaccines blast away passive resistance with a top-to-bottom water cannon approach, James Blake uses water torture. Two to watch without question; who do you prefer?
Vote at the top of the page on the right for your favourite.
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's The Vaccines!
I am a sucker for hype. That is the truth. Not always, but a lot of the time.
Monday, 3 January 2011
FREE ALBUM! I'm Too Good to You...